
MigraCode acts as a bridge between the demand for skilled people in the tech sector and people with a migration background who are eager to work in the tech industry. Founded in 2019, we are cooperating with other code schools in Europe to build a large community of companies and students to foster both labour integration as well as social inclusion.

  • The website of the European Project can be found here.

  • The website of the coding school in Barcelona can be found here.

Our philosophy

We believe that everyone deserves the right to follow education, especially those with fewer opportunities. Therefore we focus on those with a migration background and who have the eagerness to learn, but are often not able to do so.

Our support

Our project is financed by various sources, ranging from the European Union to companies in the private sector. Together with the support of our partners, we are able to continue our journey.

The four objectives of Migracode

1) Open Education

We believe in equal opportunity for everyone and our academy is therefore freely accessible for people with a migration background and limited access to the labor market

2) Job Placements

We are in contact with many tech companies in and around Barcelona and we aim to find jobs for our students after they graduate from our coding course, with help from employability training

3) Community Building

In order to foster not only labor but also social integration, we work towards the inclusion of newcomers and host-country nationals through our program and our events

4) Additional Support

We do not only support our students with learning how to code, but we also offer soft skill trainings, psychological support, and other forms of additional but necessary support

Last updated