
Through Airtable, we manage all types of data that we have within OCC. From student data of MigraCode to the list of all the partners and their contact details, you can find pretty much everything in OCCs Airtable. This means the data in Airtable is also sensitive regarding privacy and safety, so make sure to work very carefully.

IMPORTANT: When using Airtable, don't edit complete rows or columns - only add new data by using the Airtable forms or edit existing data. If you make a mistake, immediately contact Vincent ( so it can be fixed and no data gets lost.

Logging in

You can receive the login details from Vincent - contact him directly ( to request them. Once you have received access, you can login via After logging in, you will see the overview below from where you can select the databases you need to access.

Tables and views

Once you have selected a dataset, you will see on the top the specific datasets (or tables) with more specific data. For instance, in the screenshot below of the OCC Management database, you can see the Team dataset (with all our team members), the Partners dataset (with all our partners) and the Computers dataset (with an overview of all the computers within OCC.

Once you select a dataset, you can find the various 'Views' on the left: the same data, but with different filters and views applied. For instance, in the screenshot below the view is configured as a table, and in the other screenshot as tiles (cards) - however, it's the same base dataset.

Adding data

In general, never manually edit rows in Airtable itself. In general, Airtable should only be used to find existing data, update it or - if necessary - delete it. For adding data, use the forms that almost each of our Airtable database has:

Find some of the main forms for our main datasets below:

Editing and using the data

When you want to filter specific data (for instance only showing the NGO partners from all our partners), it's best to duplicate an existing view to prevent editing other people's working views. You can do this easily by right-clicking an existing view and clicking on 'Duplicate'.

IMPORTANT: If you delete a row or data from your own view, the data will also be removed from the original data - in general, don't delete, only edit/update data and make sure to leave comments about your edits.

You can also create a new view from scratch by clicking on 'New' on the bottom left. Check out this video to learn about the different views that you can use and when you should use which one.

Email fetching

To just get a list of email addresses, for instance from all our partners or all students of MigraCode, it's best to simply duplicate the Base Data of a view and filter accordingly. Once filtered, you can select the list of emails like you would do in an Excel/Google Sheet and use CTRL+C to copy the emails into an email.

IMPORTANT: ALWAYS use BCC (blind copy) when sending an email to a list of email addresses to prevent our partners or other people to see the other email addresses.

Learn more

Airtable has unlimited possibilities. We strongly recommend you to watch videos on their great Learning Center to get to know more and prevent making mistakes. Check it out over here.

Last updated