GDPR and Privacy

Before starting to work at Open Cultural Center, each volunteer, employee and intern is obliged to review our policy documents related to the data they use and store while working at OCC, the photos they make and that are taken of them and any other privacy-related topics, including GDPR guidelines.

OCC has the following documents that are important to be aware off:

All these documents are part of our onboarding procedure for each OCC team member, and everything related to GDPR and Privacy will be communicated through this form that each team member has to fill and sign. This form includes the following documents:

There are some important points to consider:

  • You can always change your consent to anything you have signed for by contacting your main contact at OCC (also after you stopped at OCC, by sending an email to

  • Once you leave OCC, OCC management will close your OCC accounts and forward any new emails to your work email address to the person that takes over your position.

  • Keep in mind that in case we need to access an important work-related file or email, OCC keeps the right to access your OCC account after you left OCC to find this information, but ONLY if it's to find work-related information.

Last updated