Payments & expenses

Payment best practices

Key best practice

Each payment, whether in a store, online or else, has to be registered through this form. Make sure to fill all details as accurate as possible and to do it before the end of the month of paying (ideally right after making the payment).

General guidelines

  • ALWAYS pay by card, with a card from OCC - so avoid cash payments or payments made with your personal card

  • ALWAYS ask for a receipt & a ticket/proof of payment and save the psychical copies correctly (also after registering the documents through the form)

  • ALWAYS write right after paying on the receipt:

    • the payment date

    • a short but clear description

    • which project the payment was done for

  • IF for a very specific reason you have to pay by cash, make sure that it's a 'round' amount that we can take exactly from an ATM so the receipt matches with the amount taken from the ATM.

NEVER pay alcohol with an OCC card and make sure it's also not on any receipt in OCC accounting. Pay it separately with your own card/money, please.

OCC European travel

For many EU-sponsored transnational projects, we have employees and/or volunteers travelling to transnational meetings and training activities all over Spain, Greece and Europe. When you have one of these trips planned, it is highly important to properly manage the expenses made during this trip.

What is covered by OCC on these trips?

  • In general, all main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are covered

  • One coffee a day is covered

  • All travel costs are covered related to the activity (including field trips at the location for example)

  • Any additional costs made necessary for the trip

  • If the budget allows it, you can go to a restaurant or lunch place, but in general, try to save as much costs as possible by going to the supermarket and cook for yourselves and have at least breakfast at the apartment/hotel. Also, IF you go to a restaurant or something, don't go to a fancy place please and keep the budget per person under 25/30 euros.

If during a European project the hosting organisation proposes a bar/restaurant where we cannot pay by card, please push to change the place.

Last updated