Appendix 2: Safe recruitment and selection

✔ Recruitment adverts or application details shall state that the recruitment is carried out in line with safe recruitment practices.

✔ Clear job and roles descriptions with clear reference to safeguarding responsibilities as well as clear specifications of roles containing core, competency concerning child protection.

✔ Shortlisting through formal application process, that shall be based on criteria set in accordance with the job/role’s specifications, required qualifications and principles of Safeguarding Policy.

✔ Interviews are conducted according to equal opportunity principles and interview questions are based on the relevant job description and person specification.

✔ References should be provided either from the current or most recent employer or academic referee. Open references (e.g. candidate providing a written reference) are not sufficient.

✔ A written and official declaration shall be provided declaring that they have no criminal records regarding an offence towards a child and do not know of any reason why anyone would deem them unsuitable to work with children. In certain cases criminal record documents may be required by the candidate and Criminal Bureau Records checks will be conducted for specific roles for all staff (paid or unpaid) working with children and vulnerable youth. ✔ Formal job offers are made after checks for suitability in line with this Policy and in conjunction with job’s specifications. Therefore any document concerning health, education and generally any necessary information may be requested, provided that it is absolutely necessary for the certain purpose, its use will be strictly limited within this purpose and it is in line with the privacy and data protection legislative principles.

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