Foxit Reader

Foxit Reader is a free PDF reader, but we also use it to easily sign PDF documents with a digital signature. Below the instructions where to download the tool, and how to insert your signature.

Downloading Foxit Reader

You can download Foxit Reader for Mac & Windows over here:

Inserting a signature

  1. First, you need a clear picture/image of your signature

  2. Now you need to remove the paper background to make your signature have a transparent background (otherwise it will look really strange in the PDF). You can use this online tool.

  3. Open Foxit Reader and the PDF document you need to sign

  4. At the top bar, go to 'Fill & Sign'

  5. Click on the double arrow down and click on 'Create signature'

  6. Now click on 'Import file', and open the image of your signature

  7. Once added, click on 'Save' and you will see your signature in the options to click

  8. To apply your signature, select it, click where you want to put it, adjust the size if necessary and then save the document

If you have any questions, reach out to our IT Manager.

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